Thursday, January 6, 2011

Or maybe not

"Practice Love. It is the great lesson. Practice this and I will bless you beyond all you can imagine."

Here's a toughy when the chips are down and not so chocolaty. But that's the best I can do, and it's the best that can be done for me.

I'm just out of a stay at the hospital after some friends tried to do the right thing and I got dropped, quite against my will and the wishes of all parties involved, into a Kafkaeske world, well, well, well, beyond the looking glass.

That's all I can say for now. Suffice it to say that I got a lot of writing done.

In other news, the Cape Cod Human Rights Commission today called to say that I will be honored on February 2nd with a cornerstone award as a leading supporter of human rights who lives here on Cape Cod.

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