Friday, December 31, 2010

God Sent Me--Part II

Please tell Mr. Brown that I have already worked with his student, Katherine. Just as Bodhisatva has worked with her student, Katherine. Just as I have a cousin named Katherine.
Just as I had a fellow student in high school whom I ignored for another priceless jewel. Here is her story. Her name is Kate Turner. I am about to hit control, sorry no thank you Steve Jobs; I am about to hit apple V. I don't need to tell you your name: GSM

Kate Turner Folan December 29 at 10:55am Report

I loved your opening.. and I will simply say "ditto!" :)
If only we knew and practiced the law of attraction in high school and
Faith is at the very core of everything.. easy to say, yet very difficult to live by for so many. It is amazing when it hits you like Saul .. I've also had a few moments in the last 15 years like that.. thought I'd send this snippet of something I wrote a couple years ago..

I think after jumping the hurdle of nursing school, self esteem finally set in for me.
Almost like I felt I could possibly accomplish whatever I set out to do. A feeling much like when you were a child and the world seemed so easy, so eye-opening and so adventurous!
I think it was then, upon completing that degree and gaining some personal self esteem that I actually began the self-awareness process. I felt more at peace with myself and surroundings; I was more and more grateful for everything in my life almost as if a ray of light had finally burst through me. Not that life was empty or unsatisfying, I have the most fun raising our children, but I think I began to ask myself who I was.
I had an emptiness inside, that nobody could fill, except my faith and belief in myself.
As far back as I can remember I’ve had a very strong spiritual connection with God. I walked away from him for years, all the while knowing he was right beside me, though I tried to close my eyes tightly and not acknowledge him. After quite a bit of growing wiser and more aware of myself and welcoming the Holy Spirit with open arms in my mid 30’s an unbelievable peace came over me. I would always help others in any way possible, tried to see the good in everything, tried to make sense out of things that just didn’t make any sense whatsoever. But I never really took care of myself. I think it has only been in the past 2 years that I have begun to try and put myself directly on my life path. If that makes sense. I have scattered papers that were to be the start of numerous journals, which I have written on in recent years on this very topic. “You Can Do It”, “Believe in Yourself” “What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?” type inspirational thoughts and dreams.
When I talked a bit about my strong connection with God, it is also with Angels, and with my Grandmother who was my earthly foundation until her passing 2 years ago. Her undying love is without a doubt, my earthly connection to heaven and I believe ultimately leading me on this journey I have stumbled upon. There are too many incidences of guiding dreams and intuitive knowing to even begin to speak of. I will write of a couple of experiences that have happened in the past 2 years.
I have found a love for photography, it is something I feel is very spiritually awakening for me and brings about feelings of one with nature. After my Grandmother had passed in January I spent much of my time outside that Spring taking photos of nature, capturing moments that she herself loved to see. At these times I felt her presence very strongly, there was no denying that she was with me. Many of the photographs that I find to be the most beautiful ones are the ones that were directed by her. One particularly spiritually filled afternoon I was on my deck, snapping away and from my left side, as it usually happens, I intuitively “heard” the words “quickly and without question turn your camera to the right and take a shot in the trees you will see why. Right then my camera was divinely guided and I took the most amazing photograph of a huge crystal-like orb, instantly bringing tears of joy to my eyes.
I know there are doubters out there who can explain away everything, from how the universe was created, to very matter –of –fact ways to live your life. Well, I believe differently, I’ve been shown differently, and I am blessed because of it.
I also often take photographs of nature, gardens, winged creatures and particularly ocean scenes. The ocean is, as it probably is for many, one of my greatest sources of positive energy. It is there that I feel most alive, most at one with the universe and with God. So many ideas and dreams that I dare to dream come about when I am there, barefoot and wrapped in the glorious sunshine and blue skies.
I also spoke to a few people about something I had remembered in my mid 30’s, not a dream, but an awareness. (This is the only way that I can describe it) I remember being drowned in sunlight as an infant in an area of my parents’ room that I can still clearly describe and being “told” that I was going to walk a path in my life that was going to be difficult for a while but that if I always allowed him to guide me, in the end it would be a beautiful journey and I would do many wonderful things through him.
I’m still not quite sure exactly what it is I am supposed to do. But I think I’m closer now than ever before and for that I am truly grateful. I also know from experience that when I am grateful I am even more abundantly blessed. So hit me- I am ready.
When I was praying last summer about this very question, and asking for some clear answers as to what I am supposed to be doing, exactly what my purpose is. I believe that is a question everyone needs to ask. Unfortunately few people have the time in this hurried world to be at peace for a long enough amount of time to hear and wait for the answer. From experience “the answers” can take years to hear, or arrive at your doorstep so quickly that its mere presence leaves you wondering “now what?”
Clear as day I heard the words “walk in my ways” and visualized bare feet which to me and probably many others symbolized Christ. Anyone who knows me knows I do not consider myself a “religious” person but a “spiritual” one. Yes, I went to church when I was a young child, I do feel a special closeness - a feeling of “I’m home” on the occasion that I visit “my church.” But I think I learned to carry that feeling of having God close to me out of the church and into my life at a young age by nature. Again, if that makes any sense. I don’t carry that feeling of guilt that I believe so many have for not going to church every Sunday and holiday – like I’m not worthy of God’s love and compassion if I’m not sitting in a pew. My connection with the Holy Spirit is much stronger for me in the sand at the beach, standing on the rocks overlooking the ocean, watching a garden grow from seed to bloom and then harvest, or watching the miracle of life grow and evolve through the years and being humbled by the magnitude of it all.
If every person would get in touch with their inner peace or at least honestly attempt to attain the little amount of tranquility I think that the world on many levels would change.
Again I am grateful for all the experiences that I have endured there will continue to be trying times as there will be in the lives of all people. To know that no matter what happens in your life everything will be okay is probably one of the best leaps of faith a person can have.

{p.s. God IS guiding you from moment to moment. Heed his Word.
Love that.. the GSM.}

Stay well. "Balance in everything is KEY." ~ My Dad. ;)
ha! - the reunion.. and to think our 25th is just around the corner.

I'm hoping you meant that you enjoyed yourself!! LOL.. or was I completely mental?

Peace.. Love & Everlasting Joy!

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