Friday, December 10, 2010

Summoning Charms I

"There may be many times when I reveal nothing, command nothing, give no guidance. But your path is clear, and your task, to grow daily more and more into the knowledge of Me. That this quiet time with Me will enable you to do.

I may ask you to sit silent before Me, and I may speak no word that you could write. All the same that waiting with Me will bring comfort and Peace. Only friends who understand and love each other can wait silent in each other's presence.

And it may be that I shall prove our friendship by asking you to wait in silence while I rest with you, assured of your Love and understanding. So wait, so love, so joy."

Two Listeners

So that's today's quote, which I discovered after spending the morning playing, mentally, with summoning charms, 5 out 6 of which worked. Short, silent prayers brought people or events, 1 by 1 into my personal space. The 1 that did not was my calling to a former student (in my mind) to come see me, so that I could give him money to buy a book for his brother, who will shortly leave the country. He has not shown as of yet. But perhaps that's for a reason I don't know at the moment. Or something that will happen by the end of the day.

We shall see.

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