Saturday, December 11, 2010

summoning charms II

"You do not need to see far ahead. Just one step at a time. Be more afraid of Spirit-unrest than of earthquake, fire, or outside forces. When calm is broken--remain away alone with Me until your heart sings." Two Listeners

So the student did not show. So I decided to take that as a message that I needed to go visit his family last night.
Which I did.

So perhaps I was being summoned by God to work with his family.

I can't publish here and now what their specific troubles were, but suffice it say, that they were glad to see me. I had purchased the book, Eckhart Tolle's "Power of Now", and I gave it directly to the student's brother who had been of so much concern.
He, it, everything--that's in God's hands now. I can only pray.

But I'm confident the young man knows that people, maybe even supernatural forces, care about him.

If these are my last words, I'd tell him to find peace within himself. Cultivate that peace everyday because it's a rotten, mean, dangerous world out there, outside of yourself. You need peace pouring out of your pores; you need it running in torrents out of your tear ducts; you need it emanating, no, blasting out of your aura.

So many things work to squash peace. So squash peas instead.
Laugh at the violence out there. And laugh at the violence inside you. Laughter is always a side step and a pratfall away. It puts you right in the moment, takes away the pain for the time being, and that (according to today's quote) is all we need to see "one step at a time."

God's work is revealed for us, moment by moment, and no faster. We must live in that moment to feel the joy of his company, to experience the laughter, to be a child.

And that's what we are: children of God.

Know that in your heart, young man with Eckhart Tolle's words in your hands: you are a child of God, loved for all eternity, experiencing God's work, moment by moment, as He reveals your mission on this planet.

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